Feb. 13

The concentration of interests strengthens the voice. It is heard better and better.

Author: PersonalRadar

The affiliation with the association of personnel service providers, swissstaffing, gives the guaranty that personnel services strictly comply with the minimum standards of personnel consulting, personnel recruiting, human resources management and temporary work. An ethically correct provision of services and a positive view of humankind are important. swissstaffing – a good cause. An important partnership between employees, economy and politics.

The Association of Personnel Service Providers of Switzerland was founded in 1968 as the Association of Businesses for Temporary Work, SVUTA. The goal of the new employers‘ association was the representation of the industry’s interests, but also the ensurance of competent services for the fast growing demand for temporary employees and flexible work opportunities.

At the beginning of the 1990s, the association opened up to private personnel recruitment companies and thus provided the basis for the consolidation with the „sister association“ VPS, the association for personnel consultants in Switzerland, which was finalized on January 22, 1998. With the simultaneously occurring name change to VPDS, the general assembly documented the broad spectrum of services that is provided by the members of the HR section. During the general meeting in 2006, members decided to replace VPDS, which was lacking an identifying quality and clarity, with swissstaffing. The members operate in the following areas:

  • Personnel consulting, personnel administration, accounting, payroll and tax services
  • Service lending, employment services, executive search consulting
  • Personnel services, outplacement
  • Temporary work and other HR services

As an employers‘ association, swissstaffing represents the concerns of its members in public. It aims to promote the joint interests of its members during the exchange with authorities and other associations.

swissstaffing guarantees its market partners, business clients and job seekers transparent, high-quality and professional services of its members due to clearly defined standards.

Audits conducted by external bodies ensure a consistent implementation of ethical principles. swissstaffing is actively involved in the further development of human resources management (HRM) and regularly offers industry-specific continuing education classes. With industry-relevant analyses, swissstaffing is committed to emphasizing the economic and social value of the services offered by its members.