Jan. 4

Re:work Your Work – Is Your Career Fit for 2018? Coaching lookout…

Author: Diana Bocskai

2018 has arrived ! Improving your overall quality of life, happiness, and health is never a bad idea — regardless of what date on the calendar jumpstarts your inclination. Difficult to define what the future holds…the one certainty about the future is the pace of change will only quicken.

While our world has always experienced change, the rate of change in our modern world is speeding up. Forces as diverse as automation, the sharing economy, and online labor markets are redefining work. There are new drivers that are shaping our working lanscape in which each of our skills emerges.

Are you ready for facing the pace of the modern working life? Computational world, new media ecology, globally-connected world, superstructured organizations and the rise of smart machines or systems will play an important role in our career and skills development. We will face a transformation in the way we communicate, the collection of enormous quantities of data will enable modeling of systems at extreme scales, both micro and macro, new smart machines will enter offices, factories, and homes and over the next decade we will see the challenge of an aging population.

I believe, that rather focusing on the future job, you need to focus on your future skills. It is advised to identify skills that will be critical for success in the workforce. Be aware and work on your proficiencies and abilities required across different jobs and work settings. You will need to rearrange your approach to your career, family life, and education to accommodate to the future work trends.

Diana Bocskai, Author. For more information klick on the picture.

Did you think of developing your computational thinking, your virtual collaboration, your cross cultural competencies or to work on your social intelligence?

To be successful in the next years, you will need to demonstrate foresight in navigating a rapidly shifting landscape of organizational forms and skill requirements. Workers in the future will need to be adaptable lifelong learners. As a professional career transition coach, my mission is to provide support and empowerment for people looking to make changes in their career future.
