Okt. 20

Economic, pragmatic-intelligent corporate management and liberal personnel or human capital management is perceived by employees as a clear asset rather than an effort.

Author: PersonalRadar

Human beings have become obsolete as mere production units. They have rather turned into guiding spirits of modern work processes with sustained added value and appreciations.

(image source: www.pixabay.com; graphis: John Hain)

The corporate and economic significance of HR departments is often heavily disputed. Many HR managers are not part of either the extended or the actual general management. However, a strategically smart, competent orientation of personnel recruitment and a future-oriented human resources management are critical key factors for assuring a company’s existence.

The complexity of interpersonal interactions increases steadily. It is not enough anymore to simply find the right professionals that meet the hard factors. In addition, soft factors like the ability to work in a team, to adapt, willingness to develop and social compatibility take up more and more room in decision-making processes. If Human Resources Management (HRM) isn’t all that important, personnel search, screening and selection can simply be left to mere chance. The savings in time and money will surely be dedicated to all future problems. The costs increase vastly.

PKS Personal AG assists many HR managers, and also general managers, in their search for the right HR experts.

The more time passes, the more dominantly Human Resources Management (HRM) is confronted with a paradigm. The so-called Human Capital Management raises its claim. Corporate managements and stakeholders want to learn more about how the intangible assets of well qualified employees are balanced in the total valuation. The deeper cause for this new appreciation of employees does not lie in altruistic reasons. The working world is undergoing fundamental changes.

There are no more lifelong guarantees for employers and employees. The markets have become too fragile, too volatile and too agile. Long gone are the days of adhering to iron market-ideological traditions and dogmata. Job markets open up, they change radically within a short period of time and highly skilled High Potentials move as present-day nomads from continent to continent.

(image source: www.pixabay.com; graphic: John Hain)

The global competition for attractive job markets increases continuously. Young, but dynamic economies, too, have clearly realized that excellent social and economic basic conditions attract skilled professionals. The value of the highly skilled expertise in combination with intellectual and social competence of knowledge bearers is ever increasing. Special knowledge and special skills become attractive assets that can be match-deciding for the economic development of businesses.

Complex knowledge, which is constantly adjusted to new findings, is a valuable resource that is much sought-after and always exposed to many temptations. To a larger extent, Personnel search, recruitment, screening and selection have to be accompanied by personnel fostering, promotion and sustainment. The business expenses, the high subsequent costs and the considerable process-controlled structural and fundamental damages of an extraordinarily high employee turnover are still massively underestimated.

Negative staff changes cause a noticeable delay and a painful stop of all corporate development and healthy growth, which might have a big impact and cast a shadow on the overall performance of the general management.

A lack of personnel or employing the wrong or poorly skilled personnel can be just as exasperatingly inhibiting as having unsatisfied, exploited or demotivated personnel. Modern Human Resources Management works like a precisely calibrated seismograph: It accurately locates undesired developments, it takes immediate measures and it uses modern methods to take corrective actions.

Good Human Resources Management and a competent, committed crew will prevent an expensive and damaging loss of reputation due to a high employee turnover, and will ensure the systematic and consistent implementation of personnel sustainment and fostering.

Human Resources Management is subject to many vain trends that simulate superficial, contemporary open-mindedness and modernity. Many of those theoretical management novelties cannot be implemented in daily practice. The main focus should not be on the concept, but on the uncompromising appreciation of the staff.

More and more open-minded management teams and individual decision makers conclude that modern Human Resources Management not only accentuates the lasting added value of business processes, but also creates appreciation-generating values like motivation, loyalty, sense of belonging and work satisfaction. People that only want to earn their bread, will never develop the same hard and soft values that generate profit for a business as those people who are met with an authentic, sincere and open appreciation. Personnel recruitment is our daily business. We fill your vacancy!